Single Image Haze Removal

9 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

DehazeNet: An End-to-End System for Single Image Haze Removal

caibolun/DehazeNet 28 Jan 2016

The key to achieve haze removal is to estimate a medium transmission map for an input hazy image.

Single Image Haze Removal using a Generative Adversarial Network

thatbrguy/Dehaze-GAN 22 Oct 2018

Traditional methods to remove haze from images rely on estimating a transmission map.

Single Image Haze Removal Using Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks

JoshuaEbenezer/cwgan 1 Mar 2019

We train a generative adversarial network to learn the probability distribution of clear images conditioned on the haze-affected images using the Wasserstein loss function, using a gradient penalty to enforce the Lipschitz constraint.

PMS-Net: Robust Haze Removal Based on Patch Map for Single Images

weitingchen83/PMS-Net CVPR 2019

Conventional patch-based haze removal algorithms (e. g. the Dark Channel prior) usually performs dehazing with a fixed patch size.

PMHLD: Patch Map Based Hybrid Learning DehazeNet for Single Image Haze Removal

weitingchen83/Dehazing-PMHLD-Patch-Map-Based-Hybrid-Learning-DehazeNet-for-Single-Image-Haze-Removal-TIP-2020 IEEE Transaction on Image Processing 2020

In addition, to further enhance the performance of the method for haze removal, a patch-map-based DCP has been embedded into the network, and this module has been trained with the atmospheric light generator, patch map selection module, and refined module simultaneously.