Single-object discovery

7 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers

facebookresearch/dino ICCV 2021

In this paper, we question if self-supervised learning provides new properties to Vision Transformer (ViT) that stand out compared to convolutional networks (convnets).

Localizing Objects with Self-Supervised Transformers and no Labels

valeoai/LOST 29 Sep 2021

We also show that training a class-agnostic detector on the discovered objects boosts results by another 7 points.

Unsupervised Image Matching and Object Discovery as Optimization

huyvvo/OSD CVPR 2019

Learning with complete or partial supervision is powerful but relies on ever-growing human annotation efforts.

Toward unsupervised, multi-object discovery in large-scale image collections

huyvvo/rOSD ECCV 2020

This paper addresses the problem of discovering the objects present in a collection of images without any supervision.

Large-Scale Unsupervised Object Discovery

huyvvo/LOD NeurIPS 2021

Extensive experiments on COCO and OpenImages show that, in the single-object discovery setting where a single prominent object is sought in each image, the proposed LOD (Large-scale Object Discovery) approach is on par with, or better than the state of the art for medium-scale datasets (up to 120K images), and over 37% better than the only other algorithms capable of scaling up to 1. 7M images.

Self-Supervised Transformers for Unsupervised Object Discovery using Normalized Cut

YangtaoWANG95/TokenCut CVPR 2022

For unsupervised saliency detection, we improve IoU for 4. 9%, 5. 2%, 12. 9% on ECSSD, DUTS, DUT-OMRON respectively compared to previous state of the art.

MOVE: Unsupervised Movable Object Segmentation and Detection

adambielski/move-seg 14 Oct 2022

We introduce MOVE, a novel method to segment objects without any form of supervision.