38 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 1 datasets

The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) is a benchmark that provides elements of partial observability, challenging dynamics, and high-dimensional observation spaces. SMAC is built using the StarCraft II game engine, creating a testbed for research in cooperative MARL where each game unit is an independent RL agent.


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2 papers
2 papers


Better Understandings and Configurations in MaxSAT Local Search Solvers via Anytime Performance Analysis

academicsubmission/ijcai2024-p3562 11 Mar 2024

Though numerous solvers have been proposed for the MaxSAT problem, and the benchmark environment such as MaxSAT Evaluations provides a platform for the comparison of the state-of-the-art solvers, existing assessments were usually evaluated based on the quality, e. g., fitness, of the best-found solutions obtained within a given running time budget.

11 Mar 2024

PPS-QMIX: Periodically Parameter Sharing for Accelerating Convergence of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

colazhang22/pps-qmix 5 Mar 2024

Agents share Q-value network periodically during the training process.

05 Mar 2024

FoX: Formation-aware exploration in multi-agent reinforcement learning

hyeon1996/fox 22 Aug 2023

Recently, deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has gained significant popularity due to its success in various cooperative multi-agent tasks.

22 Aug 2023

HomOpt: A Homotopy-Based Hyperparameter Optimization Method

jeffkinnison/shadho 7 Aug 2023

Traditional methods, like grid search and Bayesian optimization, often struggle to quickly adapt and efficiently search the loss landscape.

07 Aug 2023

A Unified Framework for Factorizing Distributional Value Functions for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

j3soon/dfac-extended 4 Jun 2023

In fully cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) settings, environments are highly stochastic due to the partial observability of each agent and the continuously changing policies of other agents.

04 Jun 2023

Robust multi-agent coordination via evolutionary generation of auxiliary adversarial attackers

zzq-bot/romance 10 May 2023

Concretely, to avoid the ego-system overfitting to a specific attacker, we maintain a set of attackers, which is optimized to guarantee the attackers high attacking quality and behavior diversity.

10 May 2023

SMAClite: A Lightweight Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

uoe-agents/smaclite 9 May 2023

The Starcraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) has been widely used in MARL research, but is built on top of a heavy, closed-source computer game, StarCraft II.

09 May 2023

Automated classification of pre-defined movement patterns: A comparison between GNSS and UWB technology

rlaanen/uwbtrajectorypatterns 10 Mar 2023

However, to date, few studies have investigated the performance of different localisation systems regarding the classification of human movement patterns in small areas.

10 Mar 2023

Attacking Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning by Adversarial Minority Influence

dig-beihang/ami 7 Feb 2023

To achieve maximum deviation in victim policies under complex agent-wise interactions, our unilateral attack aims to characterize and maximize the impact of the adversary on the victims.

07 Feb 2023

Self-Motivated Multi-Agent Exploration

zhang-shaowei/smmae 5 Jan 2023

In cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (CMARL), it is critical for agents to achieve a balance between self-exploration and team collaboration.

05 Jan 2023