Space-time Video Super-resolution

13 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Towards Interpretable Video Super-Resolution via Alternating Optimization

caojiezhang/davsr 21 Jul 2022

These issues can be alleviated by a cascade of three separate sub-tasks, including video deblurring, frame interpolation, and super-resolution, which, however, would fail to capture the spatial and temporal correlations among video sequences.

MoTIF: Learning Motion Trajectories with Local Implicit Neural Functions for Continuous Space-Time Video Super-Resolution

sichun233746/motif ICCV 2023

We motivate the use of forward motion from the perspective of learning individual motion trajectories, as opposed to learning a mixture of motion trajectories with backward motion.

Scale-Adaptive Feature Aggregation for Efficient Space-Time Video Super-Resolution

megvii-research/wacv2024-safa 26 Oct 2023

The Space-Time Video Super-Resolution (STVSR) task aims to enhance the visual quality of videos, by simultaneously performing video frame interpolation (VFI) and video super-resolution (VSR).