Speaker Recognition

90 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Speaker Recognition is the process of identifying or confirming the identity of a person given his speech segments.

Source: Margin Matters: Towards More Discriminative Deep Neural Network Embeddings for Speaker Recognition


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Most implemented papers

Speaker Recognition from Raw Waveform with SincNet

mravanelli/SincNet 29 Jul 2018

Rather than employing standard hand-crafted features, the latter CNNs learn low-level speech representations from waveforms, potentially allowing the network to better capture important narrow-band speaker characteristics such as pitch and formants.

Deep Speaker: an End-to-End Neural Speaker Embedding System

philipperemy/deep-speaker 5 May 2017

We present Deep Speaker, a neural speaker embedding system that maps utterances to a hypersphere where speaker similarity is measured by cosine similarity.

Utterance-level Aggregation For Speaker Recognition In The Wild

WeidiXie/VGG-Speaker-Recognition 26 Feb 2019

The objective of this paper is speaker recognition "in the wild"-where utterances may be of variable length and also contain irrelevant signals.

Mockingjay: Unsupervised Speech Representation Learning with Deep Bidirectional Transformer Encoders

andi611/Self-Supervised-Speech-Pretraining-and-Representation-Learning 25 Oct 2019

We present Mockingjay as a new speech representation learning approach, where bidirectional Transformer encoders are pre-trained on a large amount of unlabeled speech.

TERA: Self-Supervised Learning of Transformer Encoder Representation for Speech

s3prl/s3prl 12 Jul 2020

We present a large-scale comparison of various self-supervised models.

VoiceFilter: Targeted Voice Separation by Speaker-Conditioned Spectrogram Masking

Edresson/VoiceSplit 11 Oct 2018

In this paper, we present a novel system that separates the voice of a target speaker from multi-speaker signals, by making use of a reference signal from the target speaker.

AM-MobileNet1D: A Portable Model for Speaker Recognition

joaoantoniocn/AM-MobileNet1D 31 Mar 2020

To address this demand, we propose a portable model called Additive Margin MobileNet1D (AM-MobileNet1D) to Speaker Identification on mobile devices.

AutoSpeech: Neural Architecture Search for Speaker Recognition

TAMU-VITA/AutoSpeech 7 May 2020

Speaker recognition systems based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are often built with off-the-shelf backbones such as VGG-Net or ResNet.

HLT-NUS SUBMISSION FOR 2020 NIST Conversational Telephone Speech SRE

taoruijie/ecapatdnn 12 Nov 2021

This work provides a brief description of Human Language Technology (HLT) Laboratory, National University of Singapore (NUS) system submission for 2020 NIST conversational telephone speech (CTS) speaker recognition evaluation (SRE).

Probabilistic Spherical Discriminant Analysis: An Alternative to PLDA for length-normalized embeddings

bsxfan/PSDA 28 Mar 2022

In speaker recognition, where speech segments are mapped to embeddings on the unit hypersphere, two scoring backends are commonly used, namely cosine scoring or PLDA.