Stereo Image Super-Resolution
12 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 5 datasets
Most implemented papers
NAFSSR: Stereo Image Super-Resolution Using NAFNet
This paper inherits a strong and simple image restoration model, NAFNet, for single-view feature extraction and extends it by adding cross attention modules to fuse features between views to adapt to binocular scenarios.
Parallax Attention for Unsupervised Stereo Correspondence Learning
Based on our PAM, we propose a parallax-attention stereo matching network (PASMnet) and a parallax-attention stereo image super-resolution network (PASSRnet) for stereo matching and stereo image super-resolution tasks.
SwinFIR: Revisiting the SwinIR with Fast Fourier Convolution and Improved Training for Image Super-Resolution
Transformer-based methods have achieved impressive image restoration performance due to their capacities to model long-range dependency compared to CNN-based methods.
Learning Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Stereo image pairs can be used to improve the performance of super-resolution (SR) since additional information is provided from a second viewpoint.
Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Although recent years have witnessed the great advances in stereo image super-resolution (SR), the beneficial information provided by binocular systems has not been fully used.
Feedback Network for Mutually Boosted Stereo Image Super-Resolution and Disparity Estimation
Besides the cross-view information exploitation in the low-resolution (LR) space, HR representations produced by the SR process are utilized to perform HR disparity estimation with higher accuracy, through which the HR features can be aggregated to generate a finer SR result.
Cross-View Hierarchy Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Stereo image super-resolution aims to improve the quality of high-resolution stereo image pairs by exploiting complementary information across views.
Refusion: Enabling Large-Size Realistic Image Restoration with Latent-Space Diffusion Models
This work aims to improve the applicability of diffusion models in realistic image restoration.
Toward Real World Stereo Image Super-Resolution via Hybrid Degradation Model and Discriminator for Implied Stereo Image Information
Real-world stereo image super-resolution has a significant influence on enhancing the performance of computer vision systems.
Multi-Level Feature Fusion Network for Lightweight Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Stereo image super-resolution utilizes the cross-view complementary information brought by the disparity effect of left and right perspective images to reconstruct higher-quality images.