Stochastic Human Motion Prediction

6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Stochastic Human Motion Prediction assumes future stochasticity and therefore tackles the task from a generative point of view. Instead of predicting a single future, it predicts N possible futures.

Most implemented papers

Weakly-supervised Action Transition Learning for Stochastic Human Motion Prediction

wei-mao-2019/wat CVPR 2022

We introduce the task of action-driven stochastic human motion prediction, which aims to predict multiple plausible future motions given a sequence of action labels and a short motion history.

BeLFusion: Latent Diffusion for Behavior-Driven Human Motion Prediction

BarqueroGerman/BeLFusion ICCV 2023

To address these issues, we present BeLFusion, a model that, for the first time, leverages latent diffusion models in HMP to sample from a latent space where behavior is disentangled from pose and motion.

Diverse Human Motion Prediction Guided by Multi-Level Spatial-Temporal Anchors

sirui-xu/stars 9 Feb 2023

Predicting diverse human motions given a sequence of historical poses has received increasing attention.

CoMusion: Towards Consistent Stochastic Human Motion Prediction via Motion Diffusion

jsun57/comusion 21 May 2023

Stochastic Human Motion Prediction (HMP) aims to predict multiple possible future human pose sequences from observed ones.

Stochastic Multi-Person 3D Motion Forecasting

Sirui-Xu/DuMMF 8 Jun 2023

This paper aims to deal with the ignored real-world complexities in prior work on human motion forecasting, emphasizing the social properties of multi-person motion, the diversity of motion and social interactions, and the complexity of articulated motion.

Learning Semantic Latent Directions for Accurate and Controllable Human Motion Prediction

guoweixu368/sld-hmp 16 Jul 2024

Expanding on SLD, we introduce a set of motion queries to enhance the diversity of predictions.