Story Completion
8 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets
Given a story prefix and two possible endings, determining which one is the correct (coherent) ending of the story.
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Most implemented papers
AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures
Visual storytelling and story comprehension are uniquely human skills that play a central role in how we learn about and experience the world.
Controllable Neural Story Plot Generation via Reward Shaping
Language-modeling--based approaches to story plot generation attempt to construct a plot by sampling from a language model (LM) to predict the next character, word, or sentence to add to the story.
T-CVAE: Transformer-Based Conditioned Variational Autoencoder for Story Completion
Our model uses shared attention layers for encoder and decoder, which make the most of the contextual clues, and a latent variable for learning the distribution of coherent story plots.
Sparse Text Generation
Current state-of-the-art text generators build on powerful language models such as GPT-2, achieving impressive performance.
COINS: Dynamically Generating COntextualized Inference Rules for Narrative Story Completion
Despite recent successes of large pre-trained language models in solving reasoning tasks, their inference capabilities remain opaque.
Event Transition Planning for Open-ended Text Generation
Open-ended text generation tasks, such as dialogue generation and story completion, require models to generate a coherent continuation given limited preceding context.
Transferring Procedural Knowledge across Commonsense Tasks
Stories about everyday situations are an essential part of human communication, motivating the need to develop AI agents that can reliably understand these stories.