Style Transfer

650 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 17 datasets

Style Transfer is a technique in computer vision and graphics that involves generating a new image by combining the content of one image with the style of another image. The goal of style transfer is to create an image that preserves the content of the original image while applying the visual style of another image.

( Image credit: A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style )


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Most implemented papers

Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis

PaddlePaddle/PaddleSpeech ICML 2018

In this work, we propose "global style tokens" (GSTs), a bank of embeddings that are jointly trained within Tacotron, a state-of-the-art end-to-end speech synthesis system.

AUTOVC: Zero-Shot Voice Style Transfer with Only Autoencoder Loss

liusongxiang/StarGAN-Voice-Conversion 14 May 2019

On the other hand, CVAE training is simple but does not come with the distribution-matching property of a GAN.

Texture Networks: Feed-forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images

DmitryUlyanov/texture_nets 10 Mar 2016

Gatys et al. recently demonstrated that deep networks can generate beautiful textures and stylized images from a single texture example.

A Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-time HD Style Transfer

CompVis/adaptive-style-transfer ECCV 2018

These and our qualitative results ranging from small image patches to megapixel stylistic images and videos show that our approach better captures the subtle nature in which a style affects content.

Neural Style Transfer: A Review

ycjing/Neural-Style-Transfer-Papers 11 May 2017

We first propose a taxonomy of current algorithms in the field of NST.

ReCoNet: Real-time Coherent Video Style Transfer Network

safwankdb/ReCoNet-PyTorch 3 Jul 2018

Image style transfer models based on convolutional neural networks usually suffer from high temporal inconsistency when applied to videos.

Semantic Style Transfer and Turning Two-Bit Doodles into Fine Artworks

innat/ML-Resource 5 Mar 2016

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven highly effective at image synthesis and style transfer.

Preserving Color in Neural Artistic Style Transfer

cysmith/neural-style-tf 19 Jun 2016

This note presents an extension to the neural artistic style transfer algorithm (Gatys et al.).

Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer

leongatys/NeuralImageSynthesis CVPR 2017

Neural Style Transfer has shown very exciting results enabling new forms of image manipulation.

Fast Patch-based Style Transfer of Arbitrary Style

rtqichen/style-swap 13 Dec 2016

This results in a procedure for artistic style transfer that is efficient but also allows arbitrary content and style images.