Symbolic Regression

104 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

producing a mathematical expression (symbolic expression) that fits a given tabular data.


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Most implemented papers

AI Feynman 2.0: Pareto-optimal symbolic regression exploiting graph modularity

SJ001/AI-Feynman NeurIPS 2020

We present an improved method for symbolic regression that seeks to fit data to formulas that are Pareto-optimal, in the sense of having the best accuracy for a given complexity.

Neural Symbolic Regression that Scales

SymposiumOrganization/NeuralSymbolicRegressionThatScales 11 Jun 2021

We procedurally generate an unbounded set of equations, and simultaneously pre-train a Transformer to predict the symbolic equation from a corresponding set of input-output-pairs.

SymbolicGPT: A Generative Transformer Model for Symbolic Regression

data-analytics-lab/symbolicgpt2 27 Jun 2021

Symbolic regression is the task of identifying a mathematical expression that best fits a provided dataset of input and output values.

Chaos as an interpretable benchmark for forecasting and data-driven modelling

williamgilpin/dysts 11 Oct 2021

Our dataset is annotated with known mathematical properties of each system, and we perform feature analysis to broadly categorize the diverse dynamics present across the collection.

Symbolic Regression via Neural-Guided Genetic Programming Population Seeding

brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic-optimization 29 Oct 2021

Symbolic regression is the process of identifying mathematical expressions that fit observed output from a black-box process.

SNIP: Bridging Mathematical Symbolic and Numeric Realms with Unified Pre-training

deep-symbolic-mathematics/Multimodal-Math-Pretraining 3 Oct 2023

To bridge the gap, we introduce SNIP, a Symbolic-Numeric Integrated Pre-training model, which employs contrastive learning between symbolic and numeric domains, enhancing their mutual similarities in the embeddings.

Deep Generative Symbolic Regression

samholt/deepgenerativesymbolicregression 30 Dec 2023

Symbolic regression (SR) aims to discover concise closed-form mathematical equations from data, a task fundamental to scientific discovery.

Automated discovery of symbolic laws governing skill acquisition from naturally occurring data

ccnu-mathits/adm 8 Apr 2024

Skill acquisition is a key area of research in cognitive psychology as it encompasses multiple psychological processes.

Multi Expression Programming

mepx/mep-basic-src Technical Report 2002

Multi Expression Programming (MEP) is a new evolutionary paradigm intended for solving computationally difficult problems.

P-Tree Programming

coesch/ptree 12 Jul 2017

From this prototype tree we form program instances which we evaluate on a given problem.