Systematic Literature Review

41 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease: Overview and Reproducible Evaluation

aramis-lab/AD-DL 16 Apr 2019

The different approaches generalized well to similar populations but not to datasets with different inclusion criteria or demographical characteristics.

A Survey on Large Language Models for Code Generation

juyongjiang/codellmsurvey 1 Jun 2024

Despite the active exploration of LLMs for a variety of code tasks, either from the perspective of natural language processing (NLP) or software engineering (SE) or both, there is a noticeable absence of a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review dedicated to LLM for code generation.

What do we know about Hugging Face? A systematic literature review and quantitative validation of qualitative claims

purduedualitylab/ptm-quantify-esem-2024 12 Jun 2024

We successfully test 3 of these claims through a quantitative analysis, and directly compare one with traditional software.

Finding Better Active Learners for Faster Literature Reviews

fastread/src 10 Dec 2016

Literature reviews can be time-consuming and tedious to complete.

Hybrid Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

rashmi1112/Reccomendation-System-for-E-Commerce-Application 12 Jan 2019

Also cold-start and data sparsity are the two traditional and top problems being addressed in 23 and 22 studies each, while movies and movie datasets are still widely used by most of the authors.

Learning Software Configuration Spaces: A Systematic Literature Review

VaryVary/ML-configurable-SLR 7 Jun 2019

The findings from this systematic review show that the potential application objective is important; there are a vast number of case studies reported in the literature from the basis of several domains and software systems.

Deep Learning for Predictive Business Process Monitoring: Review and Benchmark

eramam/predictivemonitoringdatasets 24 Sep 2020

Predictive monitoring of business processes is concerned with the prediction of ongoing cases on a business process.

Machine learning for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: A systematic review

eecastillo/parkinson_analisis 13 Oct 2020

Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is commonly based on medical observations and assessment of clinical signs, including the characterization of a variety of motor symptoms.

Problematic Machine Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review of Algorithm Audits

comp-journalism/list-of-algorithm-audits 3 Feb 2021

The review shows how previous audit studies have exposed public-facing algorithms exhibiting problematic behavior, such as search algorithms culpable of distortion and advertising algorithms culpable of discrimination.

Deep Learning for Android Malware Defenses: a Systematic Literature Review

yueyueL/DL-based-Android-Malware-Defenses-review 9 Mar 2021

In this paper, we conducted a systematic literature review to search and analyze how deep learning approaches have been applied in the context of malware defenses in the Android environment.