Temporal Action Proposal Generation

16 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Accelerating temporal action proposal generation via high performance computing

no code yet • 15 Jun 2019

It is found that, compared to the traditional Parameter Server architecture, our parallel architecture has higher efficiency on temporal action detection task with multiple GPUs, which is suitable for dealing with the tasks of temporal action proposal generation, especially for large datasets of millions of videos.

Investigation on Combining 3D Convolution of Image Data and Optical Flow to Generate Temporal Action Proposals

no code yet • 11 Mar 2019

In this paper, several variants of two-stream architectures for temporal action proposal generation in long, untrimmed videos are presented.

Sequence-to-Segment Networks for Segment Detection

no code yet • NeurIPS 2018

Detecting segments of interest from an input sequence is a challenging problem which often requires not only good knowledge of individual target segments, but also contextual understanding of the entire input sequence and the relationships between the target segments.

Multi-granularity Generator for Temporal Action Proposal

no code yet • CVPR 2019

In this paper, we propose a multi-granularity generator (MGG) to perform the temporal action proposal from different granularity perspectives, relying on the video visual features equipped with the position embedding information.

10,000+ Times Accelerated Robust Subset Selection (ARSS)

no code yet • 12 Sep 2014

Subset selection from massive data with noised information is increasingly popular for various applications.