Temporal Action Proposal Generation

16 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

AEI: Actors-Environment Interaction with Adaptive Attention for Temporal Action Proposals Generation

vhvkhoa/tapg-agentenvinteration 21 Oct 2021

In this paper, we make an attempt to simulate that ability of a human by proposing Actor Environment Interaction (AEI) network to improve the video representation for temporal action proposals generation.

Temporal Action Proposal Generation with Background Constraint

happy-lifi/BCNet 15 Dec 2021

To evaluate the confidence of proposals, the existing works typically predict action score of proposals that are supervised by the temporal Intersection-over-Union (tIoU) between proposal and the ground-truth.

ABN: Agent-Aware Boundary Networks for Temporal Action Proposal Generation

vhvkhoa/TAPG-AgentEnvNetwork 16 Mar 2022

Temporal action proposal generation (TAPG) aims to estimate temporal intervals of actions in untrimmed videos, which is a challenging yet plays an important role in many tasks of video analysis and understanding.

Pyramid Region-based Slot Attention Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation

handhand123/prsa-net 21 Jun 2022

Based on PRSlot modules, we present a novel Pyramid Region-based Slot Attention Network termed PRSA-Net to learn a unified visual representation with rich temporal and semantic context for better proposal generation.

AOE-Net: Entities Interactions Modeling with Adaptive Attention Mechanism for Temporal Action Proposals Generation

uark-aicv/aoe-net 5 Oct 2022

PMR module represents each video snippet by a visual-linguistic feature, in which main actors and surrounding environment are represented by visual information, whereas relevant objects are depicted by linguistic features through an image-text model.

Temporal Action Proposal Generation With Action Frequency Adaptive Network

2024-MindSpore-1/Code8 journal 2023

Although large achievements in temporal action proposal generation have been achieved, most previous studies ignore the variability of action frequency in raw videos, leading to unsatisfying performances on high-action-frequency videos.