Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

22 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Learning Sequence Encoders for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

nle-ml/mmkb EMNLP 2018

In line with previous work on static knowledge graphs, we propose to address this problem by learning latent entity and relation type representations.

Diachronic Embedding for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

BorealisAI/DE-SimplE 6 Jul 2019

In this paper, we build novel models for temporal KG completion through equipping static models with a diachronic entity embedding function which provides the characteristics of entities at any point in time.

Temporal Knowledge Base Completion: New Algorithms and Evaluation Protocols

dair-iitd/tkbi EMNLP 2020

Temporal knowledge bases associate relational (s, r, o) triples with a set of times (or a single time instant) when the relation is valid.

TeMP: Temporal Message Passing for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

JiapengWu/TeMP EMNLP 2020

Our analysis also reveals important sources of variability both within and across TKG datasets, and we introduce several simple but strong baselines that outperform the prior state of the art in certain settings.

DyERNIE: Dynamic Evolution of Riemannian Manifold Embeddings for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

TemporalKGTeam/DyERNIE EMNLP 2020

Product manifolds enable our approach to better reflect a wide variety of geometric structures on temporal KGs.

Tucker decomposition-based Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

MaxenceGiraud/TensorTemporalKG 16 Nov 2020

Developing the model for temporal knowledge graphs completion is an increasingly important task.

TIE: A Framework for Embedding-based Incremental Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

JiapengWu/Time-Aware-Incremental-Embedding 17 Apr 2021

The model has to adapt to changes in the TKG for efficient training and inference while preserving its performance on historical knowledge.

Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion using a Linear Temporal Regularizer and Multivector Embeddings

soledad921/telm NAACL 2021

Representation learning approaches for knowledge graphs have been mostly designed for static data.

Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion using Box Embeddings

johannesmessner/boxte 18 Sep 2021

Temporal knowledge graph completion (TKGC) is an extension of this task to temporal knowledge graphs, where each fact is additionally associated with a time stamp.

Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Low-rank and Model-agnostic Representations

iodike/chronokge RepL4NLP (ACL) 2022

Temporal knowledge graph completion (TKGC) has become a popular approach for reasoning over the event and temporal knowledge graphs, targeting the completion of knowledge with accurate but missing information.