Temporal Relation Extraction

18 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Temporal relation extraction systems aim to identify and classify the temporal relation between a pair of entities provided in a text. For instance, in the sentence "Bob sent a message to Alice while she was leaving her birthday party." one can infer that the actions "sent" and "leaving" entails a temporal relation that can be described as "simultaneous".


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Most implemented papers

Extracting Temporal Event Relation with Syntax-guided Graph Transformer

vt-nlp/syntax-guided-graph-transformer Findings (NAACL) 2022

Extracting temporal relations (e. g., before, after, and simultaneous) among events is crucial to natural language understanding.

Extracting Event Temporal Relations via Hyperbolic Geometry

xingwei-warwick/hyper-event-temprel EMNLP 2021

Recent neural approaches to event temporal relation extraction typically map events to embeddings in the Euclidean space and train a classifier to detect temporal relations between event pairs.

Selecting Optimal Context Sentences for Event-Event Relation Extraction

hieumdt/SCS-EERE AAAI 2022

To achieve this goal, our work addresses the problems of subevent relation extraction (SRE) and temporal event relation extraction (TRE) that aim to predict subevent and temporal relations between two given event mentions/triggers in texts.

tieval: An Evaluation Framework for Temporal Information Extraction Systems

liaad/tieval 11 Jan 2023

All in all, these problems have limited the fair comparison between approaches and consequently, the development of temporal extraction systems.

End-to-End Temporal Relation Extraction in the Clinical Domain

jsaizant/ETEREX-REBEL Proceedings of the Text2Story'23 Workshop 2023

Temporal relation extraction is an important task in the clinical domain, as it allows a better understanding of the temporal context of clinical events.

Back to the Future: Towards Explainable Temporal Reasoning with Large Language Models

chenhan97/timellama 2 Oct 2023

In this paper, we introduce the first task of explainable temporal reasoning, to predict an event's occurrence at a future timestamp based on context which requires multiple reasoning over multiple events, and subsequently provide a clear explanation for their prediction.

TIMELINE: Exhaustive Annotation of Temporal Relations Supporting the Automatic Ordering of Events in News Articles

alsayyahi/timeline 26 Oct 2023

Temporal relation extraction models have thus far been hindered by a number of issues in existing temporal relation-annotated news datasets, including: (1) low inter-annotator agreement due to the lack of specificity of their annotation guidelines in terms of what counts as a temporal relation; (2) the exclusion of long-distance relations within a given document (those spanning across different paragraphs); and (3) the exclusion of events that are not centred on verbs.