Term Extraction

40 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Term Extraction, or Automated Term Extraction (ATE), is about extraction domain-specific terms from natural language text. For example, the sentence “We meta-analyzed mortality using random-effect models” contains the domain-specific single-word terms "meta-analyzed", "mortality" and the multi-word term "random-effect models".


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Most implemented papers

Aspect Term Extraction with History Attention and Selective Transformation

lixin4ever/HAST 2 May 2018

Aspect Term Extraction (ATE), a key sub-task in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, aims to extract explicit aspect expressions from online user reviews.

Improving Aspect Term Extraction with Bidirectional Dependency Tree Representation

ArrowLuo/BiDTree 21 May 2018

The key idea is to explicitly incorporate both representations gained separately from the bottom-up and top-down propagation on the given dependency syntactic tree.

Aspect Sentiment Model for Micro Reviews

rktamplayo/MicroASM 14 Jun 2018

This paper aims at an aspect sentiment model for aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) focused on micro reviews.

DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction

ArrowLuo/DOER ACL 2019

This paper focuses on two related subtasks of aspect-based sentiment analysis, namely aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment classification, which we call aspect term-polarity co-extraction.

A Wind of Change: Detecting and Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change across Times and Domains

Garrafao/LSCDetection ACL 2019

We perform an interdisciplinary large-scale evaluation for detecting lexical semantic divergences in a diachronic and in a synchronic task: semantic sense changes across time, and semantic sense changes across domains.

Neural Aspect and Opinion Term Extraction with Mined Rules as Weak Supervision


Lack of labeled training data is a major bottleneck for neural network based aspect and opinion term extraction on product reviews.

Feature-Less End-to-End Nested Term Extraction

CooDL/NestedTermExtraction 15 Aug 2019

In this paper, we proposed a deep learning-based end-to-end method on the domain specified automatic term extraction (ATE), it considers possible term spans within a fixed length in the sentence and predicts them whether they can be conceptual terms.

My Approach = Your Apparatus? Entropy-Based Topic Modeling on Multiple Domain-Specific Text Collections

julian-risch/JCDL2018 25 Nov 2019

Comparative text mining extends from genre analysis and political bias detection to the revelation of cultural and geographic differences, through to the search for prior art across patents and scientific papers.

Relation-Aware Collaborative Learning for Unified Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis


Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) involves three subtasks, i. e., aspect term extraction, opinion term extraction, and aspect-level sentiment classification.

GRACE: Gradient Harmonized and Cascaded Labeling for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

ArrowLuo/GRACE Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

Specifically, a cascaded labeling module is developed to enhance the interchange between aspect terms and improve the attention of sentiment tokens when labeling sentiment polarities.