Text Spotting

52 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Text Spotting is the combination of Scene Text Detection and Scene Text Recognition in an end-to-end manner. It is the ability to read natural text in the wild.


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Most implemented papers

Open Images V5 Text Annotation and Yet Another Mask Text Spotter

openvinotoolkit/training_extensions 23 Jun 2021

A large scale human-labeled dataset plays an important role in creating high quality deep learning models.

SwinTextSpotter: Scene Text Spotting via Better Synergy between Text Detection and Text Recognition

mxin262/swintextspotter CVPR 2022

End-to-end scene text spotting has attracted great attention in recent years due to the success of excavating the intrinsic synergy of the scene text detection and recognition.

GLASS: Global to Local Attention for Scene-Text Spotting

amazon-research/glass-text-spotting 5 Aug 2022

In recent years, the dominant paradigm for text spotting is to combine the tasks of text detection and recognition into a single end-to-end framework.

DeepSolo: Let Transformer Decoder with Explicit Points Solo for Text Spotting

vitae-transformer/deepsolo CVPR 2023

In this paper, we present DeepSolo, a simple DETR-like baseline that lets a single Decoder with Explicit Points Solo for text detection and recognition simultaneously.

DeepSolo++: Let Transformer Decoder with Explicit Points Solo for Multilingual Text Spotting

vitae-transformer/deepsolo 31 May 2023

In this paper, we present DeepSolo++, a simple DETR-like baseline that lets a single decoder with explicit points solo for text detection, recognition, and script identification simultaneously.

Bridging the Gap Between End-to-End and Two-Step Text Spotting

mxin262/bridging-text-spotting 6 Apr 2024

Subsequently, we introduce a Bridge that connects the locked detector and recognizer through a zero-initialized neural network.

Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes

lvpengyuan/masktextspotter.caffe2 ECCV 2018

Recently, models based on deep neural networks have dominated the fields of scene text detection and recognition.

Visual Semantic Re-ranker for Text Spotting

ahmedssabir/Visual-Semantic-Relatedness-with-Word-Embedding 23 Oct 2018

In this paper, we propose a post-processing approach to improve the accuracy of text spotting by using the semantic relation between the text and the scene.

You Only Recognize Once: Towards Fast Video Text Spotting

hikopensource/davar-lab-ocr 8 Mar 2019

Video text spotting is still an important research topic due to its various real-applications.

Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes

MhLiao/MaskTextSpotter ECCV 2018

Moreover, we further investigate the recognition module of our method separately, which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both regular and irregular text datasets for scene text recognition.