Traffic Classification

17 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Traffic Classification is a task of categorizing traffic flows into application-aware classes such as chats, streaming, VoIP, etc. Classification can be used for several purposes including policy enforcement and control or QoS management.

Source: Classification of Traffic Using Neural Networks by Rejecting: a Novel Approach in Classifying VPN Traffic

Latest papers with no code

FedAuxHMTL: Federated Auxiliary Hard-Parameter Sharing Multi-Task Learning for Network Edge Traffic Classification

no code yet • 11 Apr 2024

Federated Learning (FL) has garnered significant interest recently due to its potential as an effective solution for tackling many challenges in diverse application scenarios, for example, data privacy in network edge traffic classification.

CBR - Boosting Adaptive Classification By Retrieval of Encrypted Network Traffic with Out-of-distribution

no code yet • 17 Mar 2024

To summarize, the new method is a real-time classification, which can classify new classes without retraining.

Deep Learning Approaches for Network Traffic Classification in the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey

no code yet • 1 Feb 2024

The Internet of Things (IoT) has witnessed unprecedented growth, resulting in a massive influx of diverse network traffic from interconnected devices.

Data Augmentation for Traffic Classification

no code yet • 19 Jan 2024

Data Augmentation (DA) -- enriching training data by adding synthetic samples -- is a technique widely adopted in Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks to improve models performance.

netFound: Foundation Model for Network Security

no code yet • 25 Oct 2023

In ML for network security, traditional workflows rely on high-quality labeled data and manual feature engineering, but limited datasets and human expertise hinder feature selection, leading to models struggling to capture crucial relationships and generalize effectively.

Toward Generative Data Augmentation for Traffic Classification

no code yet • 21 Oct 2023

Data Augmentation (DA)-augmenting training data with synthetic samples-is wildly adopted in Computer Vision (CV) to improve models performance.

Towards Intelligent Network Management: Leveraging AI for Network Service Detection

no code yet • 14 Oct 2023

As the complexity and scale of modern computer networks continue to increase, there has emerged an urgent need for precise traffic analysis, which plays a pivotal role in cutting-edge wireless connectivity technologies.

Genetic Algorithm-Based Dynamic Backdoor Attack on Federated Learning-Based Network Traffic Classification

no code yet • 27 Sep 2023

In this paper, we propose GABAttack, a novel genetic algorithm-based backdoor attack against federated learning for network traffic classification.

NetDiffus: Network Traffic Generation by Diffusion Models through Time-Series Imaging

no code yet • 23 Sep 2023

Network data analytics are now at the core of almost every networking solution.

Listen to Minority: Encrypted Traffic Classification for Class Imbalance with Contrastive Pre-Training

no code yet • 31 Aug 2023

Despite some existing learning-based ETC methods showing promising results, three-fold limitations still remain in real-world network environments, 1) label bias caused by traffic class imbalance, 2) traffic homogeneity caused by component sharing, and 3) training with reliance on sufficient labeled traffic.