Unsupervised Video Summarization

14 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Unsupervised video summarization approaches overcome the need for ground-truth data (whose production requires time-demanding and laborious manual annotation procedures), based on learning mechanisms that require only an adequately large collection of original videos for their training. Specifically, the training is based on heuristic rules, like the sparsity, the representativeness, and the diversity of the utilized input features/characteristics.

Latest papers with no code

Unsupervised Video Summarization

no code yet • 7 Nov 2023

This paper introduces a new, unsupervised method for automatic video summarization using ideas from generative adversarial networks but eliminating the discriminator, having a simple loss function, and separating training of different parts of the model.

Self-Attention Based Generative Adversarial Networks For Unsupervised Video Summarization

no code yet • 16 Jul 2023

Experimental results indicate that using a self-attention mechanism as the frame selection mechanism outperforms the state-of-the-art on SumMe and leads to comparable to state-of-the-art performance on TVSum and COGNIMUSE.

Masked Autoencoder for Unsupervised Video Summarization

no code yet • 2 Jun 2023

Summarizing a video requires a diverse understanding of the video, ranging from recognizing scenes to evaluating how much each frame is essential enough to be selected as a summary.

Learning to Summarize Videos by Contrasting Clips

no code yet • 12 Jan 2023

Video summarization aims at choosing parts of a video that narrate a story as close as possible to the original one.

Unsupervised Video Summarization with a Convolutional Attentive Adversarial Network

no code yet • 24 May 2021

Specifically, the generator employs a fully convolutional sequence network to extract global representation of a video, and an attention-based network to output normalized importance scores.

Cycle-SUM: Cycle-consistent Adversarial LSTM Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization

no code yet • 17 Apr 2019

The evaluator defines a learnable information preserving metric between original video and summary video and "supervises" the selector to identify the most informative frames to form the summary video.

FrameRank: A Text Processing Approach to Video Summarization

no code yet • 11 Apr 2019

In constructing the dataset, because of the subjectivity of user-generated video summarization, we manually annotate 25 summaries for each video, which are in total 1300 summaries.

Unsupervised Object-Level Video Summarization with Online Motion Auto-Encoder

no code yet • 2 Jan 2018

Unsupervised video summarization plays an important role on digesting, browsing, and searching the ever-growing videos every day, and the underlying fine-grained semantic and motion information (i. e., objects of interest and their key motions) in online videos has been barely touched.

TVSum: Summarizing Web Videos Using Titles

no code yet • CVPR 2015

We observe that a video title is often carefully chosen to be maximally descriptive of its main topic, and hence images related to the title can serve as a proxy for important visual concepts of the main topic.