Video Object Segmentation

242 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 17 datasets

Video object segmentation is a binary labeling problem aiming to separate foreground object(s) from the background region of a video.

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Most implemented papers

Video Object Segmentation with Re-identification

lxx1991/VS-ReID 1 Aug 2017

Specifically, our Video Object Segmentation with Re-identification (VS-ReID) model includes a mask propagation module and a ReID module.

Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation: A Unifying Approach

foolwood/SiamMask CVPR 2019

In this paper we illustrate how to perform both visual object tracking and semi-supervised video object segmentation, in real-time, with a single simple approach.

FEELVOS: Fast End-to-End Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation

tensorflow/models CVPR 2019

Many of the recent successful methods for video object segmentation (VOS) are overly complicated, heavily rely on fine-tuning on the first frame, and/or are slow, and are hence of limited practical use.

Video Object Segmentation using Space-Time Memory Networks

seoungwugoh/STM ICCV 2019

In our framework, the past frames with object masks form an external memory, and the current frame as the query is segmented using the mask information in the memory.

EpO-Net: Exploiting Geometric Constraints on Dense Trajectories for Motion Saliency

mfaisal59/EpONet WACV 2020

To handle the nonrigid background like a sea, we also propose a robust fusion mechanism between motion and appearance-based features.

Physarum Powered Differentiable Linear Programming Layers and Applications

HeatherJiaZG/SuperGlue-pytorch 30 Apr 2020

We describe our development and show the use of our solver in a video segmentation task and meta-learning for few-shot learning.

Rethinking Space-Time Networks with Improved Memory Coverage for Efficient Video Object Segmentation

hkchengrex/STCN NeurIPS 2021

This paper presents a simple yet effective approach to modeling space-time correspondences in the context of video object segmentation.

EPIC-KITCHENS VISOR Benchmark: VIdeo Segmentations and Object Relations

epic-kitchens/visor-hos 26 Sep 2022

VISOR annotates videos from EPIC-KITCHENS, which comes with a new set of challenges not encountered in current video segmentation datasets.

Learning Video Object Segmentation from Static Images

omkar13/MaskTrack CVPR 2017

Inspired by recent advances of deep learning in instance segmentation and object tracking, we introduce video object segmentation problem as a concept of guided instance segmentation.

Deep Extreme Cut: From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation

scaelles/DEXTR-PyTorch CVPR 2018

This paper explores the use of extreme points in an object (left-most, right-most, top, bottom pixels) as input to obtain precise object segmentation for images and videos.