Video Question Answering

151 papers with code • 20 benchmarks • 31 datasets

Video Question Answering (VideoQA) aims to answer natural language questions according to the given videos. Given a video and a question in natural language, the model produces accurate answers according to the content of the video.


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Most implemented papers

TVQA+: Spatio-Temporal Grounding for Video Question Answering

jayleicn/TVQAplus ACL 2020

We present the task of Spatio-Temporal Video Question Answering, which requires intelligent systems to simultaneously retrieve relevant moments and detect referenced visual concepts (people and objects) to answer natural language questions about videos.

HERO: Hierarchical Encoder for Video+Language Omni-representation Pre-training

linjieli222/HERO EMNLP 2020

We present HERO, a novel framework for large-scale video+language omni-representation learning.

SUTD-TrafficQA: A Question Answering Benchmark and an Efficient Network for Video Reasoning over Traffic Events


In this paper, we create a novel dataset, SUTD-TrafficQA (Traffic Question Answering), which takes the form of video QA based on the collected 10, 080 in-the-wild videos and annotated 62, 535 QA pairs, for benchmarking the cognitive capability of causal inference and event understanding models in complex traffic scenarios.

LLaMA-Adapter V2: Parameter-Efficient Visual Instruction Model

zrrskywalker/llama-adapter 28 Apr 2023

This strategy effectively alleviates the interference between the two tasks of image-text alignment and instruction following and achieves strong multi-modal reasoning with only a small-scale image-text and instruction dataset.

A Joint Sequence Fusion Model for Video Question Answering and Retrieval

antoine77340/howto100m ECCV 2018

We present an approach named JSFusion (Joint Sequence Fusion) that can measure semantic similarity between any pairs of multimodal sequence data (e. g. a video clip and a language sentence).

OmniNet: A unified architecture for multi-modal multi-task learning

subho406/OmniNet 17 Jul 2019

We also show that using this neural network pre-trained on some modalities assists in learning unseen tasks such as video captioning and video question answering.

A Better Way to Attend: Attention with Trees for Video Question Answering

xuehy/TreeAttention 5 Sep 2019

We propose a new attention model for video question answering.

TutorialVQA: Question Answering Dataset for Tutorial Videos

acolas1/TutorialVQAData LREC 2020

The results indicate that the task is challenging and call for the investigation of new algorithms.

NExT-QA:Next Phase of Question-Answering to Explaining Temporal Actions

doc-doc/NExT-QA 18 May 2021

We introduce NExT-QA, a rigorously designed video question answering (VideoQA) benchmark to advance video understanding from describing to explaining the temporal actions.

AssistSR: Task-oriented Video Segment Retrieval for Personal AI Assistant

stanlei52/tqvsr 30 Nov 2021

In contrast, we present a new task called Task-oriented Question-driven Video Segment Retrieval (TQVSR).