Virtual Try-on

78 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Virtual try-on of clothing or other items such as glasses and makeup. Most recent techniques use Generative Adversarial Networks.


Use these libraries to find Virtual Try-on models and implementations

Semantic-Preserved Point-based Human Avatar

l1346792580123/spa 20 Nov 2023

To enable realistic experience in AR/VR and digital entertainment, we present the first point-based human avatar model that embodies the entirety expressive range of digital humans.

20 Nov 2023

Image-Based Virtual Try-On: A Survey

little-misfit/survey-of-virtual-try-on 8 Nov 2023

In this survey, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies in aspects of pipeline architecture, person representation and key modules such as try-on indication, clothing warping and try-on stage.

08 Nov 2023

Towards Garment Sewing Pattern Reconstruction from a Single Image

sail-sg/sewformer 7 Nov 2023

In this work, we explore the challenging problem of recovering garment sewing patterns from daily photos for augmenting these applications.

07 Nov 2023

VTON-IT: Virtual Try-On using Image Translation

shuntos/viton-it 6 Oct 2023

Virtual Try-On (trying clothes virtually) is a promising application of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN).

06 Oct 2023

FaceChain: A Playground for Human-centric Artificial Intelligence Generated Content

modelscope/facechain 28 Aug 2023

In this paper, we present FaceChain, a personalized portrait generation framework that combines a series of customized image-generation model and a rich set of face-related perceptual understanding models (\eg, face detection, deep face embedding extraction, and facial attribute recognition), to tackle aforementioned challenges and to generate truthful personalized portraits, with only a handful of portrait images as input.

28 Aug 2023

DM-VTON: Distilled Mobile Real-time Virtual Try-On

KiseKloset/DM-VTON 26 Aug 2023

Additionally, we propose Virtual Try-on-guided Pose for Data Synthesis to address the limited pose variation observed in training images.

26 Aug 2023

Taming the Power of Diffusion Models for High-Quality Virtual Try-On with Appearance Flow

bcmi/DCI-VTON-Virtual-Try-On 11 Aug 2023

Our approach, namely Diffusion-based Conditional Inpainting for Virtual Try-ON (DCI-VTON), effectively utilizes the power of the diffusion model, and the incorporation of the warping module helps to produce high-quality and realistic virtual try-on results.

11 Aug 2023

AnyDoor: Zero-shot Object-level Image Customization

modelscope/modelscope 18 Jul 2023

This work presents AnyDoor, a diffusion-based image generator with the power to teleport target objects to new scenes at user-specified locations in a harmonious way.

18 Jul 2023

TryOnDiffusion: A Tale of Two UNets

fashn-AI/tryondiffusion CVPR 2023

Given two images depicting a person and a garment worn by another person, our goal is to generate a visualization of how the garment might look on the input person.

14 Jun 2023

Prompt-Free Diffusion: Taking "Text" out of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

shi-labs/prompt-free-diffusion 25 May 2023

Text-to-image (T2I) research has grown explosively in the past year, owing to the large-scale pre-trained diffusion models and many emerging personalization and editing approaches.

25 May 2023