Visual Storytelling

33 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 4 datasets

( Image credit: No Metrics Are Perfect )

Most implemented papers

No Metrics Are Perfect: Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling

littlekobe/AREL ACL 2018

Though impressive results have been achieved in visual captioning, the task of generating abstract stories from photo streams is still a little-tapped problem.

Contextualize, Show and Tell: A Neural Visual Storyteller

dianaglzrico/neural-visual-storyteller 3 Jun 2018

We present a neural model for generating short stories from image sequences, which extends the image description model by Vinyals et al. (Vinyals et al., 2015).

AESOP: Abstract Encoding of Stories, Objects, and Pictures

adobe-research/aesop ICCV 2021

Visual storytelling and story comprehension are uniquely human skills that play a central role in how we learn about and experience the world.

Alfie: Democratising RGBA Image Generation With No $$$

rishidarkdevil/daam-i2i 27 Aug 2024

Designs and artworks are ubiquitous across various creative fields, requiring graphic design skills and dedicated software to create compositions that include many graphical elements, such as logos, icons, symbols, and art scenes, which are integral to visual storytelling.

Visual Storytelling

Pendulibrium/ai-visual-storytelling-seq2seq NAACL 2016

We introduce the first dataset for sequential vision-to-language, and explore how this data may be used for the task of visual storytelling.

GLAC Net: GLocal Attention Cascading Networks for Multi-image Cued Story Generation

tkim-snu/GLACNet 28 May 2018

The task of multi-image cued story generation, such as visual storytelling dataset (VIST) challenge, is to compose multiple coherent sentences from a given sequence of images.

Discourse Parsing in Videos: A Multi-modal Appraoch

arjunakula/Visual-Discourse-Parsing 6 Mar 2019

We propose the task of Visual Discourse Parsing, which requires understanding discourse relations among scenes in a video.

Knowledgeable Storyteller: A Commonsense-Driven Generative Model for Visual Storytelling

lancopku/CVST IJCAI 2019 2019

The visual storytelling (VST) task aims at generating a reasonable and coherent paragraph-level story with the image stream as input.

Visual Story Post-Editing

tingyaohsu/VIST-Edit ACL 2019

We introduce the first dataset for human edits of machine-generated visual stories and explore how these collected edits may be used for the visual story post-editing task.

Informative Visual Storytelling with Cross-modal Rules

passerby233/VSCMR-Visual-Storytelling-with-Corss-Modal-Rules 7 Jul 2019

To solve this problem, we propose a method to mine the cross-modal rules to help the model infer these informative concepts given certain visual input.