Visual Tracking

168 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 26 datasets

Visual Tracking is an essential and actively researched problem in the field of computer vision with various real-world applications such as robotic services, smart surveillance systems, autonomous driving, and human-computer interaction. It refers to the automatic estimation of the trajectory of an arbitrary target object, usually specified by a bounding box in the first frame, as it moves around in subsequent video frames.

Source: Learning Reinforced Attentional Representation for End-to-End Visual Tracking


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Exploiting Image-Related Inductive Biases in Single-Branch Visual Tracking

no code yet • 30 Oct 2023

Moreover, the effectiveness of discriminative trackers remains constrained due to the adoption of the dual-branch pipeline.

Staged Depthwise Correlation and Feature Fusion for Siamese Object Tracking

no code yet • 15 Oct 2023

In this work, we propose a novel staged depthwise correlation and feature fusion network, named DCFFNet, to further optimize the feature extraction for visual tracking.

BASE: Probably a Better Approach to Multi-Object Tracking

no code yet • 21 Sep 2023

The field of visual object tracking is dominated by methods that combine simple tracking algorithms and ad hoc schemes.

Efficient Training for Visual Tracking with Deformable Transformer

no code yet • 6 Sep 2023

Recent Transformer-based visual tracking models have showcased superior performance.

Towards Efficient Training with Negative Samples in Visual Tracking

no code yet • 6 Sep 2023

This study introduces a more efficient training strategy to mitigate overfitting and reduce computational requirements.

Robust Visual Tracking by Motion Analyzing

no code yet • 6 Sep 2023

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that addresses this limitation by analyzing the motion pattern using the inherent tensor structure.

HHTrack: Hyperspectral Object Tracking Using Hybrid Attention

no code yet • 14 Aug 2023

Hyperspectral imagery provides abundant spectral information beyond the visible RGB bands, offering rich discriminative details about objects in a scene.

Exploring Lightweight Hierarchical Vision Transformers for Efficient Visual Tracking

no code yet • ICCV 2023

The Bridge Module incorporates the high-level information of deep features into the shallow large-resolution features.

Low-complexity Multidimensional DCT Approximations

no code yet • 20 Jun 2023

In general, the suggested methods showed competitive performance at a considerably lower computational cost.

SiamTHN: Siamese Target Highlight Network for Visual Tracking

no code yet • 22 Mar 2023

The majority of siamese network based trackers now in use treat each channel in the feature maps generated by the backbone network equally, making the similarity response map sensitive to background influence and hence challenging to focus on the target region.