Weakly-supervised panoptic segmentation

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Most implemented papers

Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation

qizhuli/Weakly-Supervised-Panoptic-Segmentation ECCV 2018

We present a weakly supervised model that jointly performs both semantic- and instance-segmentation -- a particularly relevant problem given the substantial cost of obtaining pixel-perfect annotation for these tasks.

Fully Convolutional Networks for Panoptic Segmentation with Point-based Supervision

dvlab-research/panopticfcn 17 Aug 2021

In particular, Panoptic FCN encodes each object instance or stuff category with the proposed kernel generator and produces the prediction by convolving the high-resolution feature directly.

Pointly-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation

bravegroup/psps 25 Oct 2022

In this paper, we propose a new approach to applying point-level annotations for weakly-supervised panoptic segmentation.