Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization

32 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Temporal Action Localization with weak supervision where only video-level labels are given for training


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Revisiting Foreground and Background Separation in Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization: A Clustering-based Approach

qinying-liu/case ICCV 2023

It comprises two core components: a snippet clustering component that groups the snippets into multiple latent clusters and a cluster classification component that further classifies the cluster as foreground or background.

21 Dec 2023

DDG-Net: Discriminability-Driven Graph Network for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization

xiaojuntang22/iccv2023-ddgnet ICCV 2023

Considering this phenomenon, we propose Discriminability-Driven Graph Network (DDG-Net), which explicitly models ambiguous snippets and discriminative snippets with well-designed connections, preventing the transmission of ambiguous information and enhancing the discriminability of snippet-level representations.

31 Jul 2023

Proposal-Based Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

RenHuan1999/CVPR2023_P-MIL CVPR 2023

Weakly-supervised temporal action localization aims to localize and recognize actions in untrimmed videos with only video-level category labels during training.

29 May 2023

Boosting Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization with Text Information

lgzlilili/boosting-wtal CVPR 2023

For the discriminative objective, we propose a Text-Segment Mining (TSM) mechanism, which constructs a text description based on the action class label, and regards the text as the query to mine all class-related segments.

01 May 2023

Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization with Bidirectional Semantic Consistency Constraint

lgzlilili/biscc 25 Apr 2023

The proposed Bi-SCC firstly adopts a temporal context augmentation to generate an augmented video that breaks the correlation between positive actions and their co-scene actions in the inter-video; Then, a semantic consistency constraint (SCC) is used to enforce the predictions of the original video and augmented video to be consistent, hence suppressing the co-scene actions.

25 Apr 2023

Improving Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization by Bridging Train-Test Gap in Pseudo Labels

zhou745/gaufuse_wstal CVPR 2023

Besides, the generated pseudo-labels can be fluctuating and inaccurate at the early stage of training.

17 Apr 2023

Consistency-based Self-supervised Learning for Temporal Anomaly Localization

aimagelab/Consistency-based-Self-supervised-Learning-for-Temporal-Anomaly-Localization 10 Aug 2022

This work tackles Weakly Supervised Anomaly detection, in which a predictor is allowed to learn not only from normal examples but also from a few labeled anomalies made available during training.

10 Aug 2022

Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization by Progressive Complementary Learning

fjchange/him-net 22 Jun 2022

Accordingly, we first exclude these surely non-existent categories by a complementary learning loss.

22 Jun 2022

Unleashing the Potential of Adjacent Snippets for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization

qinying-liu/c3bn 1 May 2022

C$^3$BN consists of two key ingredients: a micro data augmentation strategy that increases the diversity in-between adjacent snippets by convex combination of adjacent snippets, and a macro-micro consistency regularization that enforces the model to be invariant to the transformations~\textit{w. r. t.}

01 May 2022

Fine-grained Temporal Contrastive Learning for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization

mengyuanchen21/cvpr2022-ftcl CVPR 2022

We target at the task of weakly-supervised action localization (WSAL), where only video-level action labels are available during model training.

31 Mar 2022