Benchmark for Generic Product Detection: A Low Data Baseline for Dense Object Detection

ParallelDots/generic-sku-detection-benchmark 19 Dec 2019

We train a standard object detector on a small, normally packed dataset with data augmentation techniques.

Robust and Efficient Post-Processing for Video Object Detection (REPP)

AlbertoSabater/Robust-and-efficient-post-processing-for-video-object-detection 1 Oct 2020

Object recognition in video is an important task for plenty of applications, including autonomous driving perception, surveillance tasks, wearable devices or IoT networks.

SRPN: similarity-based region proposal networks for nuclei and cells detection in histology images

sigma10010/nuclei_cells_det 25 Jun 2021

The embedding layer is added into the region proposal networks, enabling the networks to learn discriminative features based on similarity learning.

Rethinking the Misalignment Problem in Dense Object Detection

XavierYoungY/SALT-Net 27 Aug 2021

On the basis of SALT and SDR loss, we propose SALT-Net, which explicitly exploits task-aligned point-set features for accurate detection results.

Prediction-Guided Distillation for Dense Object Detection

chenhongyiyang/pgd 10 Mar 2022

Based on this, we propose Prediction-Guided Distillation (PGD), which focuses distillation on these key predictive regions of the teacher and yields considerable gains in performance over many existing KD baselines.

Revisiting AP Loss for Dense Object Detection: Adaptive Ranking Pair Selection

xudangliatiger/ape-loss CVPR 2022

However, a deep understanding of how AP loss affects the detector from a pairwise ranking perspective has not yet been developed. In this work, we revisit the average precision (AP)loss and reveal that the crucial element is that of selecting the ranking pairs between positive and negative samples. Based on this observation, we propose two strategies to improve the AP loss.

Ambiguity-Resistant Semi-Supervised Learning for Dense Object Detection

PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection CVPR 2023

It employs a "divide-and-conquer" strategy and separately exploits positives for the classification and localization task, which is more robust to the assignment ambiguity.

CrossKD: Cross-Head Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection

jbwang1997/crosskd 20 Jun 2023

Moreover, as mimicking the teacher's predictions is the target of KD, CrossKD offers more task-oriented information in contrast with feature imitation.

Bridging Cross-task Protocol Inconsistency for Distillation in Dense Object Detection

tinytigerpan/bckd ICCV 2023

Thus, the optimum of the distillation loss does not necessarily lead to the optimal student classification scores for dense object detectors.