
Stochastic Depth

Introduced by Huang et al. in Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth

Stochastic Depth aims to shrink the depth of a network during training, while keeping it unchanged during testing. This is achieved by randomly dropping entire ResBlocks during training and bypassing their transformations through skip connections.

Let $b_{l} \in$ {$0, 1$} denote a Bernoulli random variable, which indicates whether the $l$th ResBlock is active ($b_{l} = 1$) or inactive ($b_{l} = 0$). Further, let us denote the “survival” probability of ResBlock $l$ as $p_{l} = \text{Pr}\left(b_{l} = 1\right)$. With this definition we can bypass the $l$th ResBlock by multiplying its function $f_{l}$ with $b_{l}$ and we extend the update rule to:

$$ H_{l} = \text{ReLU}\left(b_{l}f_{l}\left(H_{l-1}\right) + \text{id}\left(H_{l-1}\right)\right) $$

If $b_{l} = 1$, this reduces to the original ResNet update and this ResBlock remains unchanged. If $b_{l} = 0$, the ResBlock reduces to the identity function, $H_{l} = \text{id}\left((H_{l}−1\right)$.

Source: Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Semantic Segmentation 78 10.85%
Image Classification 56 7.79%
Object Detection 46 6.40%
Decoder 38 5.29%
Instance Segmentation 23 3.20%
Image Segmentation 22 3.06%
Super-Resolution 19 2.64%
Medical Image Segmentation 19 2.64%
Classification 15 2.09%


Component Type
🤖 No Components Found You can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign
