Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space

8 Jun 2020  ยท  Zhedong Zheng, Nenggan Zheng, Yi Yang ยท

People live in a 3D world. However, existing works on person re-identification (re-id) mostly consider the semantic representation learning in a 2D space, intrinsically limiting the understanding of people. In this work, we address this limitation by exploring the prior knowledge of the 3D body structure. Specifically, we project 2D images to a 3D space and introduce a novel parameter-efficient Omni-scale Graph Network (OG-Net) to learn the pedestrian representation directly from 3D point clouds. OG-Net effectively exploits the local information provided by sparse 3D points and takes advantage of the structure and appearance information in a coherent manner. With the help of 3D geometry information, we can learn a new type of deep re-id feature free from noisy variants, such as scale and viewpoint. To our knowledge, we are among the first attempts to conduct person re-identification in the 3D space. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that the proposed method (1) eases the matching difficulty in the traditional 2D space, (2) exploits the complementary information of 2D appearance and 3D structure, (3) achieves competitive results with limited parameters on four large-scale person re-id datasets, and (4) has good scalability to unseen datasets. Our code, models and generated 3D human data are publicly available at .

PDF Abstract
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Person Re-Identification DukeMTMC-reID OGNet Rank-1 76.66 # 68
mAP 57.89 # 70
Person Re-Identification DukeMTMC-reID->Market-1501 OGNet mAP 17.2 # 1
Rank-1 41.4 # 1
Unsupervised Person Re-Identification DukeMTMC-reID->Market-1501 OGNet mAP 14.7 # 7
Rank-1 36.4 # 6
Unsupervised Person Re-Identification DukeMTMC-reID->MSMT17 OGNet mAP 1.9 # 6
Rank-1 6.8 # 5
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Duke to Market OGNet mAP 14.7 # 26
rank-1 36.4 # 25
rank-5 - # 18
rank-10 - # 18
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Duke to MSMT OG-Net mAP 1.9 # 13
rank-1 6.8 # 13
Person Re-Identification Market-1501 OGNet Rank-1 87.74 # 88
mAP 69.52 # 96
Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Market-1501->DukeMTMC-reID OGNet mAP 13.7 # 6
Rank-1 26.4 # 6
Person Re-Identification Market-1501->DukeMTMC-reID OGNet mAP 16.3 # 1
Rank-1 31.3 # 1
Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Market-1501->MSMT17 OG-Net mAP 1.7 # 6
Rank-1 5.9 # 6
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Market to Duke OG-Net mAP 13.7 # 25
rank-1 26.4 # 24
rank-5 - # 17
rank-10 - # 17
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Market to MSMT OG-Net mAP 1.7 # 14
rank-1 5.9 # 14
3D Point Cloud Classification ModelNet40 OG-Net-Small Overall Accuracy 93.3 # 57
Mean Accuracy 90.5 # 25
Number of params 1.22M # 87
Person Re-Identification MSMT17 OGNet Rank-1 47.71 # 34
mAP 23.01 # 34
Unsupervised Person Re-Identification MSMT17->DukeMTMC-reID OGNet Rank-1 35.3 # 4
mAP 19.3 # 4
Unsupervised Person Re-Identification MSMT17->Market-1501 OG-Net Rank-1 40.1 # 3
mAP 17.6 # 3


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