A2Dre+ (Extension of A2D sentences where trivial cases where filtered)

Introduced by Bellver et al. in RefVOS: A Closer Look at Referring Expressions for Video Object Segmentation

A2Dre is a subset from the A2D test set including $433$~\textit{non-trivial} REs. Due to its highly unbalanced distribution across the $7$~semantic categories we select the $4$~major categories \textsl{appearance, location, motion and static}. The four categories have in common that in most cases, for a given referent, a RE can be provided that expresses a certain category, and one that does not. We use these categories to augment A2Dre with additional REs, which vary according to the presence or absence of each of them. Specifically, based on our categorization of the original REs, for each RE~$re$ and category~$C$, we produce an additional RE~$re'$ by modifying $re$ slightly such that it does (or does not) express~$C$. For example, for the last RE in Figure~\ref{fig:a2d-images}, i.e. \emph{girl in yellow dress standing near the woman}, which could be categorized as \textit{appearance}, \textit{location}, no \textit{motion} and \textit{static}, we produce new REs for each category: \emph{girl standing near the woman} (no \textit{appearance}), \emph{girl in yellow dress standing} (no \textit{location}), \emph{girl in yellow dress walking} (\textit{motion}) and \emph{girl in yellow dress near the woman} (no \textit{static}). We do not apply this procedure for \textsl{category}, since it is expressed in almost all REs, and its removal may be difficult in many cases. We name this extended dataset as A2Dre+.


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