Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol is one of the most used standards used in Internet of Things (IoT) machine to machine communication. The increase in the number of available IoT devices and used protocols reinforce the need for new and robust Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). However, building IoT IDS requires the availability of datasets to process, train and evaluate these models.

MQTT-IoT-IDS2020 is the first dataset to simulate an MQTT-based network. The dataset is generated using a simulated MQTT network architecture. The network comprises twelve sensors, a broker, a simulated camera, and an attacker. Five scenarios are recorded: (1) normal operation, (2) aggressive scan, (3) UDP scan, (4) Sparta SSH brute-force, and (5) MQTT brute-force attack. The raw pcap files are saved, then features are extracted. Three abstraction levels of features are extracted from the raw pcap files: (a) packet features, (b) Unidirectional flow features and (c) Bidirectional flow features. The csv feature files in the dataset are suited for Machine Learning (ML) usage. Also, the raw pcap files are suitable for the deeper analysis of MQTT IoT networks communication and the associated attacks.


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