Ninapro DB5 (Ninapro DB5 - 10 Intact Subjects - Double Myo Armband)

The 5th Ninapro database includes 10 intact subjects recorded with two Thalmic Myo ( armbands. The database can be used to test the Myo armbands separately as well. The 5th Ninapro database is thoroughly described in the paper: "Stefano Pizzolato, Luca Tagliapietra, Matteo Cognolato, Monica Reggiani, Henning Müller, Manfredo Atzori, Comparison of six electromyography acquisition setups on hand movement classification tasks, PLOS One, 2017"

Acquisition Protocol

The subjects have to repeat several movements represented by movies that are shown on the screen of a laptop. The experiment is divided in three exercises:

  1. Basic movements of the fingers
  2. Isometric, isotonic hand configurations and basic wrist movements
  3. Grasping and functional movements

During the acquisition, the subjects were asked to repeat the movements with the right hand. Each movement repetition lasted 5 seconds and was followed by 3 seconds of rest. The protocol includes 6 repetitions of 52 different movements (plus rest) performed by 10 intact subjects. The movements were selected from the hand taxonomy as well as from hand robotics literature.

Acquisition Setup

The muscular activity is gathered using 2 Thalmic Myo armbands. The database can be used to test the Myo armbands separately as well.
The subjects in this database wore two Myo armbands one next to the other, including 16 active single–differential wireless electrodes. The top Myo armband is placed closed to the elbow with the first sensor placed on the radio humeral joint, as in the standard Ninapro configuration for the equally spaced electrodes; the second Myo armband is placed just after the first, nearer to the hand, tilted of 22.5 degrees. This configuration provides an extended uniform muscle mapping at an extremely affordable cost. The Myo sensors do not require the arm to be shaved and after few minutes the armband tighten very firmly to the arm of the subject.
The sEMG signals are sampled at a rate of 200 Hz.


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