STREUSLE stands for Supersense-Tagged Repository of English with a Unified Semantics for Lexical Expressions. The text is from the web reviews portion of the English Web Treebank [9]. STREUSLE incorporates comprehensive annotations of multiword expressions (MWEs) [1] and semantic supersenses for lexical expressions. The supersense labels apply to single- and multiword noun and verb expressions, as described in [2], and prepositional/possessive expressions, as described in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Lexical expressions also feature a lexical category label indicating its holistic grammatical status; for verbal multiword expressions, these labels incorporate categories from the PARSEME 1.1 guidelines [15]. For each token, these pieces of information are concatenated together into a lextag: a sentence's words and their lextags are sufficient to recover lexical categories, supersenses, and multiword expressions [8].
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