Challenges in Migrating Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution: An Empirical Study

File Descriptions

File Description
commit_categorizations.csv Categorizations for the commits in our dataset.
commits.csv Information for the commits in our dataset
datasets.csv Contains the names and descriptions of our datasets.
issue_categorizations.csv Categorizations for the chosen issues from our dataset.
issues.csv Information for the issues in our dataset.
pipeline_stages.csv DL pipeline stages and their respective descriptions.
problem_categories.csv Problem categories and their respective descriptions.
problem_causes.csv Problem causes and their respective descriptions.
problem_fixes.csv Problem fixes and their respective descriptions.
problem_symptoms.csv Problem symptoms and their respective descriptions.
studied_subjects_commits.csv Project data for commits.
studied_subjects_issues.csv Project data for issues.

Column Descriptions


Column Description
tf.function related fix? TRUE when a bug fix related to tf.function was found and FALSE otherwise. If FALSE, subsequent column values will be blank.
stage DL pipeline stage where the problem fix was found.


Column Description
tf.function related problem? TRUE when a bug related to tf.function was found and FALSE otherwise. If FALSE, subsequent column values will be blank.
stage DL pipeline stage where the problem was found.
GH_id GitHub issue unique identifier.


Column Description
GH_id GitHub issue unique identifier.


Paper Code Results Date Stars

Dataset Loaders

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