Twitter-HyDrug is a real-world hypergraph data that describes the drug trafficking communities on Twitter. We first crawl the metadata (275,884,694 posts and 40,780,721 users) through the official Twitter API from Dec 2020 to Aug 2021. Afterward, we generate a drug keyword list that covers 21 drug types that may cause drug overdose or drug addiction problems to filter the tweets that contain drug-relevant information. Based on the keyword list, we obtain 266,975 filtered drug-relevant posts by 54,680 users. Moreover, we define six types of drug communities, i.e., cannabis, opioid, hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, and others communities, based on the drug functions. Six researchers spent 62 days annotating these Twitter users into six communities based on the annotation rules discussed in the next section. With the specific criteria, six researchers annotated the filtered metadata separately. For these Twitter users with disagreed labels, we conducted further discussion among annotators for cross-validation. To conclude, we obtained the drug hypergraph including 2,936 user nodes and 33,892 hyperedges.


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