Examining the Role and Limits of Batchnorm Optimization to Mitigate Diverse Hardware-noise in In-memory Computing
In-Memory Computing (IMC) platforms such as analog crossbars are gaining focus as they facilitate the acceleration of low-precision Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with high area- & compute-efficiencies. However, the intrinsic non-idealities in crossbars, which are often non-deterministic and non-linear, degrade the performance of the deployed DNNs. In addition to quantization errors, most frequently encountered non-idealities during inference include crossbar circuit-level parasitic resistances and device-level non-idealities such as stochastic read noise and temporal drift. In this work, our goal is to closely examine the distortions caused by these non-idealities on the dot-product operations in analog crossbars and explore the feasibility of a nearly training-less solution via crossbar-aware fine-tuning of batchnorm parameters in real-time to mitigate the impact of the non-idealities. This enables reduction in hardware costs in terms of memory and training energy for IMC noise-aware retraining of the DNN weights on crossbars.
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