Improving Document Classification with Multi-Sense Embeddings

18 Nov 2019  ·  Vivek Gupta, Ankit Saw, Pegah Nokhiz, Harshit Gupta, Partha Talukdar ·

Efficient representation of text documents is an important building block in many NLP tasks. Research on long text categorization has shown that simple weighted averaging of word vectors for sentence representation often outperforms more sophisticated neural models. Recently proposed Sparse Composite Document Vector (SCDV) (Mekala et. al, 2017) extends this approach from sentences to documents using soft clustering over word vectors. However, SCDV disregards the multi-sense nature of words, and it also suffers from the curse of higher dimensionality. In this work, we address these shortcomings and propose SCDV-MS. SCDV-MS utilizes multi-sense word embeddings and learns a lower dimensional manifold. Through extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets, we show that SCDV-MS embeddings outperform previous state-of-the-art embeddings on multi-class and multi-label text categorization tasks. Furthermore, SCDV-MS embeddings are more efficient than SCDV in terms of time and space complexity on textual classification tasks.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Text Classification 20NEWS SCDV-MS Accuracy 86.19 # 11
F-measure 86.16 # 4
Precision 86.2 # 2
Recall 86.18 # 2
Document Classification Reuters-21578 SCDV-MS F1 82.71 # 5


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