Language Guided Adversarial Purification
Adversarial purification using generative models demonstrates strong adversarial defense performance. These methods are classifier and attack-agnostic, making them versatile but often computationally intensive. Recent strides in diffusion and score networks have improved image generation and, by extension, adversarial purification. Another highly efficient class of adversarial defense methods known as adversarial training requires specific knowledge of attack vectors, forcing them to be trained extensively on adversarial examples. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a new framework, namely Language Guided Adversarial Purification (LGAP), utilizing pre-trained diffusion models and caption generators to defend against adversarial attacks. Given an input image, our method first generates a caption, which is then used to guide the adversarial purification process through a diffusion network. Our approach has been evaluated against strong adversarial attacks, proving its effectiveness in enhancing adversarial robustness. Our results indicate that LGAP outperforms most existing adversarial defense techniques without requiring specialized network training. This underscores the generalizability of models trained on large datasets, highlighting a promising direction for further research.
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Ranked #1 on Adversarial Defense on CIFAR-10 (using extra training data)