Lawyer LLaMA Technical Report
Large Language Models (LLMs), like LLaMA, have exhibited remarkable performance across various tasks. Nevertheless, when deployed to specific domains such as law or medicine, the models still confront the challenge of a deficiency in domain-specific knowledge and an inadequate capability to leverage that knowledge to resolve domain-related problems. In this paper, we propose a new framework to adapt LLMs to specific domains and build Lawyer LLaMA, a legal domain LLM, based on this framework. Specifically, we inject domain knowledge during the continual training stage and teach the model to learn professional skills using properly designed supervised fine-tuning tasks. Moreover, to alleviate the hallucination problem during the model's generation, we add a retrieval module and extract relevant legal articles before the model answers any queries. When learning domain-specific skills, we find that experts' experience is much more useful than experiences distilled from ChatGPT, where hundreds of expert-written data outperform tens of thousands of ChatGPT-generated ones. We will release our model and data.
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