Low-complexity acoustic scene classification in DCASE 2022 Challenge

This paper presents an analysis of the Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification task in DCASE 2022 Challenge. The task was a continuation from the previous years, but the low-complexity requirements were changed to the following: the maximum number of allowed parameters, including the zero-valued ones, was 128 K, with parameters being represented using INT8 numerical format; and the maximum number of multiply-accumulate operations at inference time was 30 million. The provided baseline system is a convolutional neural network which employs post-training quantization of parameters, resulting in 46.5 K parameters, and 29.23 million multiply-and-accumulate operations (MMACs). Its performance on the evaluation data is 44.2% accuracy and 1.532 log-loss. In comparison, the top system in the challenge obtained an accuracy of 59.6% and a log loss of 1.091, having 121 K parameters and 28 MMACs. The task received 48 submissions from 19 different teams, most of which outperformed the baseline system.

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