Recognition of All Categories of Entities by AI

13 Aug 2022  ·  Hiroshi Yamakawa, Yutaka Matsuo ·

Human-level AI will have significant impacts on human society. However, estimates for the realization time are debatable. To arrive at human-level AI, artificial general intelligence (AGI), as opposed to AI systems that are specialized for a specific task, was set as a technically meaningful long-term goal. But now, propelled by advances in deep learning, that achievement is getting much closer. Considering the recent technological developments, it would be meaningful to discuss the completion date of human-level AI through the "comprehensive technology map approach," wherein we map human-level capabilities at a reasonable granularity, identify the current range of technology, and discuss the technical challenges in traversing unexplored areas and predict when all of them will be overcome. This paper presents a new argumentative option to view the ontological sextet, which encompasses entities in a way that is consistent with our everyday intuition and scientific practice, as a comprehensive technological map. Because most of the modeling of the world, in terms of how to interpret it, by an intelligent subject is the recognition of distal entities and the prediction of their temporal evolution, being able to handle all distal entities is a reasonable goal. Based on the findings of philosophy and engineering cognitive technology, we predict that in the relatively near future, AI will be able to recognize various entities to the same degree as humans.

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