Recognizable Information Bottleneck
Information Bottlenecks (IBs) learn representations that generalize to unseen data by information compression. However, existing IBs are practically unable to guarantee generalization in real-world scenarios due to the vacuous generalization bound. The recent PAC-Bayes IB uses information complexity instead of information compression to establish a connection with the mutual information generalization bound. However, it requires the computation of expensive second-order curvature, which hinders its practical application. In this paper, we establish the connection between the recognizability of representations and the recent functional conditional mutual information (f-CMI) generalization bound, which is significantly easier to estimate. On this basis we propose a Recognizable Information Bottleneck (RIB) which regularizes the recognizability of representations through a recognizability critic optimized by density ratio matching under the Bregman divergence. Extensive experiments on several commonly used datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in regularizing the model and estimating the generalization gap.
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