Recovering implicit pitch contours from formants in whispered speech
Whispered speech is characterised by a noise-like excitation that results in the lack of fundamental frequency. Considering that prosodic phenomena such as intonation are perceived through f0 variation, the perception of whispered prosody is relatively difficult. At the same time, studies have shown that speakers do attempt to produce intonation when whispering and that prosodic variability is being transmitted, suggesting that intonation "survives" in whispered formant structure. In this paper, we aim to estimate the way in which formant contours correlate with an "implicit" pitch contour in whisper, using a machine learning model. We propose a two-step method: using a parallel corpus, we first transform the whispered formants into their phonated equivalents using a denoising autoencoder. We then analyse the formant contours to predict phonated pitch contour variation. We observe that our method is effective in establishing a relationship between whispered and phonated formants and in uncovering implicit pitch contours in whisper.
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