Two Heads are Better than One: Towards Better Adversarial Robustness by Combining Transduction and Rejection

27 May 2023  ·  Nils Palumbo, Yang Guo, Xi Wu, Jiefeng Chen, YIngyu Liang, Somesh Jha ·

Both transduction and rejection have emerged as important techniques for defending against adversarial perturbations. A recent work by Tram\`er showed that, in the rejection-only case (no transduction), a strong rejection-solution can be turned into a strong (but computationally inefficient) non-rejection solution. This detector-to-classifier reduction has been mostly applied to give evidence that certain claims of strong selective-model solutions are susceptible, leaving the benefits of rejection unclear. On the other hand, a recent work by Goldwasser et al. showed that rejection combined with transduction can give provable guarantees (for certain problems) that cannot be achieved otherwise. Nevertheless, under recent strong adversarial attacks (GMSA, which has been shown to be much more effective than AutoAttack against transduction), Goldwasser et al.'s work was shown to have low performance in a practical deep-learning setting. In this paper, we take a step towards realizing the promise of transduction+rejection in more realistic scenarios. Theoretically, we show that a novel application of Tram\`er's classifier-to-detector technique in the transductive setting can give significantly improved sample-complexity for robust generalization. While our theoretical construction is computationally inefficient, it guides us to identify an efficient transductive algorithm to learn a selective model. Extensive experiments using state of the art attacks (AutoAttack, GMSA) show that our solutions provide significantly better robust accuracy.

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