Why So Down? The Role of Negative (and Positive) Pointwise Mutual Information in Distributional Semantics
In distributional semantics, the pointwise mutual information ($\mathit{PMI}$) weighting of the cooccurrence matrix performs far better than raw counts. There is, however, an issue with unobserved pair cooccurrences as $\mathit{PMI}$ goes to negative infinity. This problem is aggravated by unreliable statistics from finite corpora which lead to a large number of such pairs. A common practice is to clip negative $\mathit{PMI}$ ($\mathit{\texttt{-} PMI}$) at $0$, also known as Positive $\mathit{PMI}$ ($\mathit{PPMI}$). In this paper, we investigate alternative ways of dealing with $\mathit{\texttt{-} PMI}$ and, more importantly, study the role that negative information plays in the performance of a low-rank, weighted factorization of different $\mathit{PMI}$ matrices. Using various semantic and syntactic tasks as probes into models which use either negative or positive $\mathit{PMI}$ (or both), we find that most of the encoded semantics and syntax come from positive $\mathit{PMI}$, in contrast to $\mathit{\texttt{-} PMI}$ which contributes almost exclusively syntactic information. Our findings deepen our understanding of distributional semantics, while also introducing novel $PMI$ variants and grounding the popular $PPMI$ measure.
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