Search Results for author: Gilles Hacheme

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

FonMTL: Towards Multitask Learning for the Fon Language

1 code implementation28 Aug 2023 Bonaventure F. P. Dossou, Iffanice Houndayi, Pamely Zantou, Gilles Hacheme

Multitask learning is a learning paradigm that aims to improve the generalization capacity of a model by sharing knowledge across different but related tasks: this could be prevalent in very data-scarce scenarios.

Language Modelling named-entity-recognition +4

GAM(L)A: An econometric model for interpretable Machine Learning

no code implementations17 Mar 2022 Emmanuel Flachaire, Gilles Hacheme, Sullivan Hué, Sébastien Laurent

Moreover, the results also suggest that the performance of GAM(L)A is not significantly different from that of random forest and gradient boosting.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Interpretable Machine Learning +1

Neural Fashion Image Captioning : Accounting for Data Diversity

1 code implementation23 Jun 2021 Gilles Hacheme, Noureini Sayouti

To address dataset diversity issues, we introduced the InFashAIv1 dataset containing almost 16. 000 African fashion item images with their titles, prices, and general descriptions.

Decoder Diversity +2

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