Search Results for author: Menoua Keshishian

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

DeepSpeech models show Human-like Performance and Processing of Cochlear Implant Inputs

no code implementations30 Jul 2024 Cynthia R. Steinhardt, Menoua Keshishian, Nima Mesgarani, Kim Stachenfeld

In this work, we use the deep neural network (DNN) DeepSpeech2, as a paradigm to investigate how natural input and cochlear implant-based inputs are processed over time.


naplib-python: Neural Acoustic Data Processing and Analysis Tools in Python

1 code implementation4 Apr 2023 Gavin Mischler, Vinay Raghavan, Menoua Keshishian, Nima Mesgarani

Recently, the computational neuroscience community has pushed for more transparent and reproducible methods across the field.

Understanding Adaptive, Multiscale Temporal Integration In Deep Speech Recognition Systems

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Menoua Keshishian, Samuel Norman-Haignere, Nima Mesgarani

We show that training causes these integration windows to shrink at early layers and expand at higher layers, creating a hierarchy of integration windows across the network.

speech-recognition Speech Recognition

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