Search Results for author: Nihal Goalla

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Smaller Models, Better Generalization

no code implementations29 Aug 2019 Mayank Sharma, Suraj Tripathi, Abhimanyu Dubey, Jayadeva, Sai Guruju, Nihal Goalla

Reducing network complexity has been a major research focus in recent years with the advent of mobile technology.


Learning Neural Network Classifiers with Low Model Complexity

no code implementations31 Jul 2017 Jayadeva, Himanshu Pant, Mayank Sharma, Abhimanyu Dubey, Sumit Soman, Suraj Tripathi, Sai Guruju, Nihal Goalla

Our proposed approach yields benefits across a wide range of architectures, in comparison to and in conjunction with methods such as Dropout and Batch Normalization, and our results strongly suggest that deep learning techniques can benefit from model complexity control methods such as the LCNN learning rule.

Deep Learning

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