4D reconstruction

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Neural LerPlane Representations for Fast 4D Reconstruction of Deformable Tissues

loping151/lerplane 31 May 2023

Reconstructing deformable tissues from endoscopic stereo videos in robotic surgery is crucial for various clinical applications.

Iterative Inversion of Deformation Vector Fields with Feedback Control

ailiop/idvf 27 Oct 2016

Conclusion: Our analysis captures properties of DVF data associated with clinical CT images, and provides new understanding of iterative DVF inversion algorithms with a simple residual feedback control.

Temporal Interpolation via Motion Field Prediction

linz94/mfin-cycle 12 Apr 2018

Temporal interpolation of navigator slices an be used to reduce the number of navigator acquisitions without degrading specificity in stacking.

LoRD: Local 4D Implicit Representation for High-Fidelity Dynamic Human Modeling

BoyanJIANG/LoRD 18 Aug 2022

Recent progress in 4D implicit representation focuses on globally controlling the shape and motion with low dimensional latent vectors, which is prone to missing surface details and accumulating tracking error.

4D Myocardium Reconstruction with Decoupled Motion and Shape Model

yuan-xiaohan/4d-myocardium-reconstruction-with-decoupled-motion-and-shape-model ICCV 2023

Estimating the shape and motion state of the myocardium is essential in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. However, cine magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is dominated by 2D slices, whose large slice spacing challenges inter-slice shape reconstruction and motion acquisition. To address this problem, we propose a 4D reconstruction method that decouples motion and shape, which can predict the inter-/intra- shape and motion estimation from a given sparse point cloud sequence obtained from limited slices.

ResFields: Residual Neural Fields for Spatiotemporal Signals

markomih/ResFields 6 Sep 2023

Neural fields, a category of neural networks trained to represent high-frequency signals, have gained significant attention in recent years due to their impressive performance in modeling complex 3D data, such as signed distance (SDFs) or radiance fields (NeRFs), via a single multi-layer perceptron (MLP).

Diffusion$^2$: Dynamic 3D Content Generation via Score Composition of Orthogonal Diffusion Models

fudan-zvg/diffusion-square 2 Apr 2024

Recent advancements in 3D generation are predominantly propelled by improvements in 3D-aware image diffusion models which are pretrained on Internet-scale image data and fine-tuned on massive 3D data, offering the capability of producing highly consistent multi-view images.

LiDAR4D: Dynamic Neural Fields for Novel Space-time View LiDAR Synthesis

ispc-lab/lidar4d 3 Apr 2024

In light of this, we propose LiDAR4D, a differentiable LiDAR-only framework for novel space-time LiDAR view synthesis.