Art Analysis
13 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets
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Most implemented papers
ArtGAN: Artwork Synthesis with Conditional Categorical GANs
This paper proposes an extension to the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), namely as ARTGAN to synthetically generate more challenging and complex images such as artwork that have abstract characteristics.
2D Human Pose Estimation: New Benchmark and State of the Art Analysis
Human pose estimation has made significant progress during the last years.
HappyDB: A Corpus of 100,000 Crowdsourced Happy Moments
The science of happiness is an area of positive psychology concerned with understanding what behaviors make people happy in a sustainable fashion.
Focused Proofreading: Efficiently Extracting Connectomes from Segmented EM Images
In this paper, we propose a new strategy, focused proofreading, that works with automatic segmentation and aims to limit proofreading to the regions of a dataset that are most impactful to the resulting circuit.
Juman++: A Morphological Analysis Toolkit for Scriptio Continua
We present a three-part toolkit for developing morphological analyzers for languages without natural word boundaries.
Context-Aware Embeddings for Automatic Art Analysis
Whereas visual representations are able to capture information about the content and the style of an artwork, our proposed context-aware embeddings additionally encode relationships between different artistic attributes, such as author, school, or historical period.
A Morphable Face Albedo Model
In this paper, we bring together two divergent strands of research: photometric face capture and statistical 3D face appearance modelling.
Auditing Differentially Private Machine Learning: How Private is Private SGD?
We investigate whether Differentially Private SGD offers better privacy in practice than what is guaranteed by its state-of-the-art analysis.
A Challenging Benchmark of Anime Style Recognition
Given two images of different anime roles, anime style recognition (ASR) aims to learn abstract painting style to determine whether the two images are from the same work, which is an interesting but challenging problem.
Not Only Generative Art: Stable Diffusion for Content-Style Disentanglement in Art Analysis
The duality of content and style is inherent to the nature of art.